Friday, January 7, 2011

Jo Yeates / Glenis Carruthers both shoeless victims

Greg Reardon Theory...above link...

Greg Reardon and the only witness is the cat...above link

Both women had been strangled, were found fully-clothed and had not been sexually assaulted. Both women also appeared to have died quickly without being able to put up a struggle, and in both cases the victims were found without shoes on.

To add to this great mystery..of conincidences

BF left for Sheffield at 7pm ish after Geoffery Hardyman and Chris Jefferies helped him jump start his car

Chris Jefferies, 65, is the landlord who would probably have a key to her flat and would probably be able to gain entry of he wanted to (not to say he did of course)

Geoffery Hardyman, 78, could be  the uncle of Sarah Hardyman who was the friend of Glenis Carruthers who was murdered 37 years ago by strangulation, at Sarah's 21st birthday party. He owns an army jeep style 4x4
CJ and GH have been friends for over 40 years

CJ claims to have seem JY leave with 2 people after 9pm

GH says he heard nothing as he was ill in bed

CJ has been arrested on suspicion of murder, but it seems there is not enough evidence to charge but enough evidence not to release.
CJ out on bail.

CJ claims he wool soon be cleared of ALL suspicion..
So many coincidences in this case.