Sunday, January 16, 2011

Open letter to the killer of Joanna Yeates

"Michaela Harte was crying in the minutes before she was strangled, the detective heading the investigation into her death has revealed.

Detective Inspector Ranjit Singh Jokhoo told the Irish Mail on Sunday that tears were running down the 27-year-old teacher’s cheeks minutes before she died.

He said: ‘According to Avinash’s (Treebhoowoon) confession, she was crying after he pushed her to the ground.

‘When she came into the room, Sandip (Mooneea) was near the bathroom, out of her line of view. Avinash has told us that he [Avinash] was searching the purse.

‘The lady said, “What are you doing?” and stayed shouting at him. She was furious that someone was searching her purse and she confronted him.

‘He says he pushed her and she fell near the bathroom. She tried to get up and she was caught by Sandip from behind. She started to cry, the tears were running down her cheeks and she started shouting.

‘Sandip covered her mouth with his hand to quieten her. At the same time he grabbed her with his other arm around her neck. She was standing up at this stage. He tried to press his arm around her neck and this is why there was neck compression. He held her too tightly.’According to Insp. Jokhoo, Michaela frantically tried to free herself from Sandip’s grasp as she gasped for air.

He said: ‘From the marks we have seen on her neck, we have found that she tried to liberate herself from the arm.

‘We have seen the pattern of the scratches on her neck are going down ways. They are not conclusive observations, but that’s what we have seen.
The pattern coming down comes from pulling and the only person pulling down would have been herself.

‘She was trying to get free from him. When forensics examine the nail clippings we will be able to confirm our own observations.’

He added that when Michaela saw Avinash attempting to take money from her purse she didn’t realise there was someone else in the room – a chilling fact that proved fatal."

Different time , different place, another victim but this scenerario may sound very familiar to the killer of Joanna Yeates. I think we all realise there is a difference , Joanna did know her killer, trusted him or her ,even liked or maybe had affection for. Why and what possible reason could you  have had   to take her life , what dreadful thing did she do to cause you to react in such a violent way ? If you are a man I can think of a couple of reasons , you made advances towards Jo and in her surprise she laughed in your face, this made you angry and you lost your temper, maybe you had been drinking and anger flared, an anger you did not know you possessed . Or were you close to Jo, close enough to flare up in a fit of jealousy and reach out in a moment of passion not wanting to hurt the one who meant so much to you but in blind panic just like the killer of Michaela Harte you applied a little too much pressure and Jo went limp in your arms. Are there marks on Joanna's neck where she tried to grasp your arm and gasp for her last moments of breath ? the police have yet to mention this , maybe they wish to spare Jo's parents anymore grief but one day they will have to know all the details .

Was Jo crying in the minutes before you strangled her, were tears running down her face ?

Jo's parents what about them , do you think of their pain and how they must be thinking of Jo laid out on a cold slab waiting for her parents to claim her body and give her the dignity you have stolen. Do you feel any remorse? Do you wish you could turn the clock back and everything would be alright again? Are you still living in that twi-light zone where you cannot believe this has happened? Are you going to turn yourself in to the police like you know you should ? Or are you going to live for the rest of your life with the guilt of Joanna Yeates death on your conscience ? Can you do it, is it possible to live with the torment you feel inside. Do you live  the last moments of Jo's life over and over in your head, her eyes, her tears and asking you to please stop.

I am a woman and you have changed my life for ever. I am afraid , afraid when I walk my dog in a lonely country lane. I am so afraid ,that now I do as my husband has always asked me to do 'take your phone' when before I would leave it behind on the kitchen table. I lock my car doors when I go for a drive to our local store. I draw my curtains before it gets dark and I no longer answer the door to anyone that knocks.

My husband tells me I am over reacting, well maybe I am but this person who killed Jo knew her and thats what scares me the most. Until you are caught and I know the reason why you did what you did I will never trust anyone I know ever again.