Meet Tanja Morson she is the girlfriend of the man accused of killing Joanna Yeates on December, 2010. Do you think Tanja knew something? Did she lead police to Tabak? Is she standing by his side? Find out about that and find out more about Tanja
34 year-old Tanja Morson American born with Dutch and Canadian heritage known for being a fitness enthusiastic and financial analyst at Dyson in Malmesbury, Wilts. She comes from a good family she is the daughter of Elisabeth and George Morson a Canadian and Harvard University graduate lawyer. Ms. Morson went to Queenswood private school in Hertfordshire. Her family lives in a £750,000 six home in Babraham near Cambridge.
Some referred to blond Tanja Morson as a Joanna Yeates look a-like, she changed Tabak’s weirdness and loneliness when she met him on 2008, his co-workers remember the positive change they noticed on him and even recalled the way he spoke of Tanja on his PhD thesis speech..
“I want to thank my girlfriend Tanja Morson for her support in the last difficult month of my PhD,” he wrote. “I am very happy that she entered my life.”
Before moving with Tabak, Tanja lived in Bristol she relocated in the city with her beau after a year dating him.
It is believed Tanja never actually met Joanna or he boyfriend Greg except for the time when Yeates cat got into their property and Tanja asked them to pick him up. It is unknown if Tanja might have talked to the police and lead them to Vincent, nor if she and Vincent were not dating at the time he allegedly killed Joanna, some people said they saw Tanja moved from his place but her father George Morson said as far as he knew they were still dating. Although his statement change after the arrest..
I do not know if he is her boyfriend or not. He’s a boy, she’s a girl and they are friendly with each other.
“She is such a lovely girl, we can’t believe she has got caught up in this. She will be in absolute pieces. Tanja comes from a well-to-do family and thought she had the perfect life. Now it’s shattered. Whether Vincent will be charged or released, Tanja’s life has changed forever. It’s just awful. I regularly speak to her on Facebook and she never mentioned any problems between her and Vincent.”

‘Miss you loads. It’s boring here without you Vxx’. How are you? I am at Asda buying some crisis. Was bored. Can’t wait to pick you up.’
Tanja might be devastated by her boyfriend’s arrest but she is certain he is innocent, she even bowed to stand by his side.
What do you think Tanja Morson knows? Do you think she might have lead police to Joanna Yeates killer?