Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Greenslade on the 'odious' Liz Jones article

Daily Mail writer Liz Jones has attracted widespread odium with her article about the murder of Joanna Yeates.

Commenters to the Mail's website and on Twitter have registered their scorn at the content and tone of her piece, headlined Is lovely Jo becoming just another thumbnail on the police website?

One commenter considered it to be "shameful, inept, morbid, irrelevant, patronising rubbish." Another thought it "an unbelievably ill conceived piece of non-journalism, even by Daily Mail standards." A third wrote: "This article is voyeuristic, utterly pointless, and distasteful in the extreme."

And there were almost 200 commenters to the Mail site expressing similar views. Elsewhere, a journalistic critic, Jonathan Harwood, noted sarcastically that is was likely
"to become one of the most celebrated pieces of journalism for years."

Jones's fatuous article is built around a retracing of Joanna's last steps in Bristol. It is replete with meretricious pseudo psychological "insights".

Example one: she visits the supermarket where Joanna bought what she calls "an upmarket pizza" and remarks: "The choice tells me Jo wanted a lovely life, something above the ordinary."

Example two: arriving at Clifton suspension bridge and finding she doesn't have the correct change to pay the toll, she writes:
"Isn't it interesting that you can snatch a young woman's life away from her in the most violent, painful, frightening way possible, take away her future children, her future Christmases, take away everything she loves, and yet there are elaborate systems in place to ensure you do not cross a bridge for only 30 pence?"
This absurd stuff attracted mockery across the Twittersphere, with hundreds of comments lampooning her self-referential approach to the tragedy.

Examples: "At Martin Luther King Jr's funeral: "Does anybody want to hear about my dream?"... "As the bomb went off and wrecked the bus, I wondered once again if Ken Livingstone's congestion charge was really working"... "These people in Australia losing their homes reminds me of my country mansion that I'm selling to buy a smaller mansion."