”Förutom struktur och ordningssinne besitter Anna en förmåga att få korn på väsentligheter som i förstone inte förefaller särskilt intressanta. Här finns en analytisk skärpa som naturligtvis är en stor tillgång i all analytisk verkamhet. Men Anna är inte bara skarp. Hon är också mycket social. Hon är rak och tydlig, samtidigt som hon lyssnar och tar folk på allvar.”11 maj 2010
Fil. Dr. Nils Hertting, projektledare ”Etnisk organisering och politisk integration i storstaden” (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond) samt ”Vems rätt till staden? En studie av styrning, konflikt och motstånd i det offentliga rummet” (Vetenskapsrådet)
”Jag träffade Anna första gången i baren på Norrlands Nation där Uppsalas socialdemokratiska studenter hade en klang- och jubelfest. Vi började prata, eller snarare disputera. Jag märkte till min förtjusning att kandidat Ardin inte brydde sig om auktoriteter och äldre farbröders myndighet, utan siktade in sig på argumentet. Det blev en diskussion som sedan dess fortsatt och ett av mina första och positivt omskakande möten med en postmodern socialdemokrati, den som kommit runt hörnet och vågat lämna förra årtusendet bakom sig.”
20 augusti 2009
Fil. Dr. Stig-Björn Ljunggren, samhällsdebattör och lärare, Uppsala universitet
“Anna is an exceptional political operative who combines an analytic mind with formidable people skills. She is always on the lookout for new opportunities to present policy and recruit volunteers, and never afraid to break new ground if a mutually rewarding project can be found. Anna is hardworking, earnest and one of the most brilliant political analysts that I’ve met.”
August 18, 2009
Ola J Hedin, Head of Accounts, Equmenia
“You never need to manage Anna, she is good at her job and she do come up with good ideas and she can follow through very well. Anna is easy to connect to which makes her accessible for going through current projects that Anna is working with. Anna puts her energy in her projects but she also knows when to take a break. Anna has a lot of energy and will and is a good co-worker. With Anna around you’ll have a good time at work.”
June 2, 2009
Hanna Victoria Mörck, Vice President 07/08, Uppsala Student Union
“Anna är en väldigt pålitlig, effektiv person som alltid arbetar noggrannt och med stort engagemang. Jag kan starkt rekommendera Anna.”
May 12, 2009
Sofia Larsson, Projektledare,
“I worked with Anna when I was in the Ph.D. student council at Sveriges förenade studentkårer. We produced several documents during her time at SFS, and her work was consistantly of excellent quality. I would not hesitate to recommend Anna for similar work in the future.”
May 12, 2009
Martin Wahlén, Board member, Sveriges förenade studentkårer
“I know Anna since high school. Already then she inspired her peers with an glowing interest and active involvement in society. In more recent years we crossed paths via our work within the Swedish National Union of Students. Anna showed strong qualities in leadership and organization and was a source of inspiration and support to our committee work. Aside from her capacity as an organizer, I most of all enjoy her candid and progressive voice in the national political arena. With Anna comes humour and spirit. Great speaker and writer.”
May 12, 2009
Christopher Hedvall, Vice chairman of the Election committee, Swedish National Union of Students
”Anna, fortsätt att kämpa för det du tror på – humanismen, varje människas okränkbarhet och alla människors lika värde. Dessa idéer måste vi kämpa för varje dag, varje stund. Men så länge det finns goda människor, som slåss för sin övertygelse, finns det hopp för framtiden. Grattis Anna till dina 30 år och till att du, som ännu är så ung, hunnit uträtta så mycket.”
19 mars 2009
Birgitta Dahl, fd talman, statsråd och riksdagsledamot
“I know Anna as a skilled project leader, a strong team player and a trustworthy professional. Not only did she do a good job, as her predecessor she shared her insightful reflections and evaluation of the groups work with me, really helping me and the following year’s election committee improving the process. She truly is a rock to lean on.”
February 4, 2008
Marta Axner, chairman of the election committee, Sveriges förenade studentkårer
“Anna is an energetic doer who in several different projects we have been on together manages to enthuse and engage people, maximize output – often with great press coverage – and stay within the given time frame.”
July 30, 2007
Kajsa Hallberg Adu, coworker at Gotlands Nation and other positions
”Arbetet som jämlikhetsansvarig kräver stort engagemang och det har Anna verkligen visat. Bland annat startade Anna upp och var ansvarig för Uppsala studentkårs jämställdhetsgrupp. Gruppen granskade jämställdhetsplanerna på universitetets institutioner, ett mycket framgångsrikt arbete som ledde till SFS jämställdhetspris 2007 [och Uppsala universitets jämställdhetspris 2008]. Anna utmärker sig som en mycket ansvarstagande person med stor initiativförmåga och är utöver detta en mycket uppskattad medarbetare bland sina arbetskamrater.”
5 juli 2007
Susanna Hansson, vice ordförande 06/07, Uppsala studentkår
”Anna worked with various issues and different sections of the embassy. In the political and economic section she (…) helped writing the final reports on the respect for Human Rights in Uruguay and Paraguay. To accomplish this Anna independently carried out a fact finding mission to Uruguay (…) Last but not least Anna was a great asset to the press and information section of the Embassy, where she worked with press information, promoted tourism to Sweden and administrated the website of the Embassy in an excellent way. Anna quickly became an appreciated member of the Embassy staff. Her positive attitude and good language skills makes her very easy to work with. I can warmly recommend Anna and I wish her all the best in the future.”
September 1, 2005
Fredrik Folkunger, chargé d’affaires a.i., Embassy of Sweden, Buenos Aires
“Anna took on the job as Press and PR manager with great energy and managed to communicate ZERI Foundation’s message in a way that created very good publicity. Particularly her energy and focus is something that would make her a fantastic contribution to any team or situation.”
July 22, 2002
Anders Landberg, Pavilion Director, ZERI Pavilion at the World EXPO2000
”I have the honour and pleasure to inform you, and also to testify, that I have worked closely with Ms Svea Anna Karolina Ardin for a few years, both of us being members of a global network involved in promoting and disseminating the ZERI concept especially amongst disadvantaged communities in the less developed countries of Africa, South-east Asia and Latin America. (…) Anna served as a key link of the global network of ZERI practitioners, by virtue of her intellectual agility, her superb mastery of information and communication technology, her english language competence and her excellent inter-personal skills. Committed and dedicated in her work, efficient and hardworking, endowed with a deep sense of purpose and direction, Anna will continue to make significant contributions in the promotion of our global ZERI agenda. Indeed I strongly recommend her for any undertaking that requires a reliable, committed, hardworking, and intellectually alert person, who can generate an impressive work output with minimal supervision.”
November 31, 2000
Prof Keto E Mshigeni, Ph.D, regional Co-ordinator and UNU/UNESCO ZERI Africa chair
“If one ever wishes to work with a fine communicator, an enthusiastic collaborator and an outstanding motivator, Anna Ardin is the person for your team. Anna is enthusiastic and dedicated, motivating others and clear in her message. It is impossible not to enjoy working with her. Her top qualities are: Great Results, Personable, Creative”
November 16, 2000
Gunter Pauli, Founder / Director at ZERI Foundation